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How To Choose The Right Product Assembly Supplier In China?

Partnering with a product assembly company in China can help grow your business and save you money by allowing you to order more products without building an in-house assembly line.

However, finding the right product assembly partner isn’t always easy and problems often arise due to business misunderstandings.

To mitigate any issues there are some important things to know before you get started.

Know What You Want From A Product Assembly Supplier

First and foremost, you should have a clear idea of what you want from your suppliers.

Some small companies jump into outsourcing without any clear vision of what they want and what they need at the beginning, which can lead to major problems down the road.

Therefore, make sure you’re very clear about your expectations and standards.

The more details you provide to your assembly supplier, the easier it will be for them to achieve your goal.

Enquiry about expertise in your industry

Before deciding which product assembly supplier is the best for your project, you need to know if they have experienced with similar products in your specific industry.

For example, if you need to get some electronic parts assembled, but you choose a supplier that merely focuses on toys assembly, you may encounter troubles down the line.

Ideally, you want to find an expert within your niche who has several years under their belt and at least one other completed successful product assembly project.
If not, a lack of expertise can often lead to delays and added costs down the road as manufacturers learn on-the-fly rather than preparing beforehand.

If they aren’t willing or able to discuss their background and expertise during early conversations, it’s probably time to look elsewhere.

Finding a partner that fits in both categories is rare, but possible if you do some research and ask around (or bring on an expert yourself).

Ensure Your Intellectual Property Rights Are Protected

Your company’s intellectual property rights are one of your most valuable assets.

Before choosing a Chinese product assembly partner, it’s important to understand how your intellectual property is protected.

With so many companies in China today, it is hard to determine which ones are qualified and care for their customers’ IP. Therefore, it’s also a good idea to check if your supplier has any patent infringement history.

Additionally, it would be better to ask your supplier if they have any experience working on IP issues.

Keep in mind that you should ask your suppliers if they have intellectual property (IP) agreements before cooperation.

Make sure that you have an agreement in place that protects your intellectual property (IP) rights when you transfer technologies to a third-party company. There are many kinds of IP protection agreements available, so choose wisely. You may want to consult with experienced legal counsel.

Avoid Common Pitfalls With Product Quality

One more important factor you should keep in mind is how to avoid common pitfalls with product quality.

Poor-quality products will only hurt your business and tarnish your brand.

To avoid problems as best as possible, here are three keys to remember:

1) . Be clear and concise about your product requirements and expectations.

2)  Investigate and work with your assembly supplier to ensure your product complies with the regulations of the final market.

3) Follow up throughout production and communicate effectively.

Let Shield Works Take Care of Your Product Assembly

Choosing a product assembly service provider in China is not an easy job, especially when you want to hire someone professional and reliable.

If you’re looking for an outsourcing partner in China, look no further than Shield Works.

Shield Works provides customized OEM manufacturing and assembly activities to meet your business’s needs. Contact us today.