Shield Works Quality Inspection & Testing Services
Shield Works provides clients with ISO standard internal quality work practices throughout our operation. Tier one systems and product testing standards are upheld throughout the facility with added peace of mind through dual-layer independent quality verification for every production order by parent company C2W.
Shield Works quality services are also extended to external clients already sourcing within China, through a wide range of customised quality service solutions.
While Shield Works is capable of undertaking onsite product quality inspection at any facility within China there may be instances where you may want these critical quality checks to be undertaken offsite and within the safe confines of the Shield Works facility.
Shield Works can undertake the full scope of quality verification at any stage of your production cycle. Our quality technicians are ready to setup a customized inspection environment specific to your product within one of our IP protective rooms.
Shield Works Independent Quality Services

First Article Inspections
A critical step often over looked is the very early stages of production (not more than 5% produced).
The initial output from production line will be checked against the approved sample and specification. Shield Works will communicate directly with the factory in order to improve production processes and provide technical advice in order to improve the product quality to ensure the products are fit for assembly and will pass all future inspections.
This can be undertaken onsite at the factory or inhouse within the secure Shield Works facility.
To detect any potential defect, Shield Works will randomly select a number of semi-produced products for checking against agreed AQL standards or conduct 100% product quality verification for higher risk products or production runs.

Pre-Shipping Inspections
Pre-shipping inspection is critical for the final verification of a lot’s quality status. As the manufacturing system already has several protective layers, PSI inspectors (ideally from a 3rd party) need only check the goods based on an agreed AQL (acceptable quality level). This determines the number of parts that should be checked and the number, and specific types of defects that are allowed within the lot.
If too many defective articles are found within the sample lot, the supplier must re-check or scrap all parts in stock and issue an 8D CAR within 4 days.
C2W Quality Inspectors use uses the recognized international Quality Control standard ISO 2859-1 (ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-2003), also known as the AQL Tables to measure acceptable levels of quality during their routine product inspections.
The AQL (acceptable quality level) can be set to an agreed figure for each type of defect that determines clearly the number of parts that are allowed to have certain types of defects before the entire lot is rejected and dealt with by the manufacturer.
Like all of our inspections this critical process can be undertaken onsite at the manufacturer’s factory or in-house within the secure Shield Works facility adding an additional layer of security and control prior to container dispatch.

100% Quality Checks & Defect Sorting
It's the nightmare scenario; your Quality Control regime has highlighted a serious problem.
What do you do next?
It's the nightmare scenario; your Quality Control regime has highlighted a serious Should the worst happen and you find yourself with a batch of product that has an unacceptably high defect rate, you can call on Shield Works to step in and help you to recover.
We will work with you and your suppliers to identify and understand the nature and severity of the defect or non-conformity. Should you require this service, we will undertake an initial assessment of the problem and a detailed recovery plan will be issued prior to work commencing. You will then be able to assess the likely financial and time impact on your business of the recovery process.
A key part of the recovery plan will be to identify the cause of the problem so that long term action can be put in place to ensure there is no repeat.
If it is cost effective, Shield Works will then organise a fully supervised defect sorting service. This can range from removal and replacement of a defective part to dismantling a product, sorting into acceptable sub-assemblies and re-building.
This process can be carried out at your supplier's premises, however, if you prefer, all product can be taken to our own facility for sorting by Shield Works technicians.
Shield Works Defect Sorting Benefits
Defect sorting before your products leave China offers a wide range of benefits:
- Clearly verifies the quantity of defective items within given production lot.
- Saves time and secures clients business interests at the source of manufacture.
- Keeps pressure and responsibility on suppliers' shoulders.
- Provides data points necessary to refuse defective shipments and negotiate with suppliers on quality issue resolution.
- Avoid unexpected delays and costs.
- Streamline corrective action planning and execution.
By completing these activities at the Shield Works facility, you remove the manufacturers influence on the process with the added benefits of a highly controlled and secure environment.
Product Rework, Repair or Refurbishment
Once defects have been identified and sorted Shield Works can assist with the implementation of a full and considered corrective action process.
Eliminate the risk of repeat issues or cost cutting measures by removing the faulty supplier from the equation and get your production run back on track with Shield Works expert oversight.
Rework, repair, cleaning, disassembly, reassembly, repacking and refurbishment activities can all be undertaken within a customised assembly line setup under the watchful eye of our highly trained assembly and quality technicians.
Using internationally approved methods, standards, equipment and guidelines, Shield Works arranges for the testing of consumer products, commercial products, commodities, and raw materials for compliance and suitability against regulatory requirements so that every client can be sure the product being manufactured is safe and fit for purpose and sale.
We only use worldwide accredited and authorized laboratories for testing and all originals of certificates and reports can and will be sent to clients upon request.
Testing of any product, raw material or other part is a necessary requirement in providing Quality Assurance to clients and ensuring the safety of the end users. C2W can arrange for appropriate tests to be performed on a wide range of materials and products in our local partners’ labs.

Product Testing Services
Additional Services
With our infrastructure and flexible service packages Shield Works is uniquely positioned to undertake a wide range of additional customised quality and testing practices in a controlled and credible environment.
- Accelerated Product Lifecycle Testing
- Pre-certification Trial Testing
- Validated Functional Testing
- Packaging Tests
- Container Load Planning and Simulation
- Customized Quality Assurance Plan Mapping
- And more.
Contact Us
Contact us today for more info about our quality inspection & testing services. We respond to most enquiries within 24 hrs.
Shield Works - Zhuhai Flagship Facility
Shield Works’ flagship 100,000 square-foot facility is based in Zhuhai a beautiful city in the Greater Bay Area, located on the coast of Guangdong province South China.
Floor 4 Precision Workshop Building C, Zhong Yuan Industrial Park, No. 2 Shengli Road, Sanzao, Zhuhai, Guangdong, 519040, PRC.
珠海盛世熙德电子科技有限公司 中国广东省珠海市金湾区三灶镇胜利路2号二期厂房C栋4楼 邮编519040